Eating Outside of Your Comfort Zone was the theme of the program when the Progressive CEOS met with Patty Gray for their September meeting. All were to bring a dish that fit this category. We ate at the beginning of the meeting and each member told something about their dish.
Co-President, Barbara Shiley opened the business part of the meeting by welcoming everyone and thanking Patty for hosting. She read a few thought provoking notes for her meditations.
Those attending Achievement Day reported that it was a great meeting.
It was announced that the November 2018 meeting will be a week later than usual.
The traveling basket was brought by Colleen Walton and Lynn Humphreys took it home and will bring it back next month filled with goodies.
The Foods for the Holidays workshop will be in Rupert on Nov. 10. This will be a covered dish and everyone is asked to bring can foods to be given to the food locker.
All reports are due in November.
The next meeting will be with Barbara Shiley.
Members present were Lynn Humphreys, Colleen Walton, Barbara Shiley, Chris Gowings, Betty Jo McNeal, Jean Foley, Thelma Berkley, Mary Liz Richmond, Faye Honaker, and Patty Gray.