Faye Honaker was hostess to seven members of the Progressive CEOS when they met on her carport for their August meeting. President Patty Gray welcomed everyone and thanked Faye for being hostess.
Patty read the poem for her meditations that won 3rd place last year in the poetry contest. The Minutes were read by Colleen Walton and approved as read.
Colleen Walton gave the Health Motivator Report for the month of August. The theme was on Vitamin C – important to the immune system and for iron absorption. Barbara Shiley will have the September Motivator Report.
There were no committee reports.
Patty brought the traveling basket and Barbara took it home with her to bring back next month. Patty reminded us to be sure and bring a Heritage recipe next month.
Our re-organization meeting will be next month.
Colleen collected the volunteer hours for the year which was 474 hours.
On Sept. 20, the Fall Leadership Meeting will be in the WVU Building at the Fairgrounds. The Davis Stuart Culinary Group will cater. The program is Volunteers Leading the Way.
The next meeting will be with Patty and will be re-organization.
Safe snack food was enjoyed by Patty Gray, Lynn Humphreys, Mary Jirka, Colleen Walton, Barbara Shiley, Betty Jo McNeel and Faye Honaker.