The Progressive CEOS met with Patty Gray for their June meeting with nine members present.
Patty opened the meeting and then turned it over to our new Extension agent, Andi Hoover, who had the program, Healthy Oils – The Mystery Solved. She told the group about the good and bad oils and how we should use them. She had samples of the different types of oils that we could put on bread and had us taste them. It was a very interesting and enlightening program. She had to leave after the program for another commitment.
After the program, Lynn Humphrey had the meditation, which was on Heaven.
The minutes were read by Colleen and approved as read. Mary Liz Richmond gave the Treasurer’s report with a balance of $129.80. Patty reported that Faye Honaker has been having some back problems and is facing possible hip replacement.
Lynn Humphrey gave the Health Motivator report. This month, it is on Liver and Blood. Some tips are to avoid foods that are high in fat, drink plenty of water, take a walk every day, avoid alcohol and track your blood pressure.
She had a little activity for us. We stood in a circle and passed balloons around.
Colleen won the door prize.
Patty reported on the Beckley area meeting. The exchange student was the speaker. Lynn reported on the Achievement Day. Our club received several awards. Kitty Loudermilk had several places for our July trip. We finally decided on the tour of Rainelle City Hall and lunch at Fruits of Labor on July 10. We will meet at The Lewisburg Methodist Church parking lot at 10 a.m. and carpool. The county picnic will be on Muddy Creek Mountain on July 17. We’re to bring items for the Animal Shelter. There will be music entertainment.
Patty read a Thank You note from the 4-H for our donation to the camp. We were reminded of the Writing and Poetry contest and Patty hoped for some entries from our club.
There will be a meeting July 30th at the Extension Office planning next year’s programs. Our volunteer hours are also due in August.
Enjoying delicious refreshments were Jean, Colleen, Lynn, Betty Jo, Kitty, Thelma, Mary, Patty and Mary.