Linda Schmidt was hostess to eleven members of The Progressive CEOS when they met at the Extension Office for their October meeting.
Co-President Kitty Loudermilk opened the meeting by welcoming everyone and thanking Linda Schmidt for being hostess.
The Treasurer said that she wanted to give a sizeable donation to the food locker next month for Thanksgiving. Everyone gave a donation to be added to what she already has.
We were reminded of the Nov. 10 workshop at Rupert. It is a covered dish meeting. Each club is asked to have a member tell about her favorite recipe which Barbara Shiley agreed to do.
Lynn Humphreys sent the traveling basket and Dot Feamster took it home with her to be brought back next month filled with goodies. Colleen Walton won the door prize.
The next meeting will be Scrapbook – Preserving Memories and will be held at the Lewisburg Methodist Church with Betty Jo McNeil as leader and hostess.
Linda Schmidt gave a very interesting and informative program on canning jars. The idea of canning and preserving food goes back to Napoleon. He offered 12,000 francs to the person who discovered a new way to preserve food. Nicholas Appert conceived the idea of preserving food in jars. The canning jar dates back hundreds of years. Over time, the canning jar has adapted from its original design, underwent several modifications, has become useful for crafting and is still used for food preservation. Mason, Ball and Kerr are all household names and will continue to be used for years to come. She had several old jars to show and they were filled with old buttons, jewelry, and small quilt pieces to name a few.
Delicious refreshments were served. Those enjoying the refreshments were Kitty Loudermilk, Thelma Berkley, Faye Honaker, Patty Gray, Betty Jo McNeel, Colleen Walton, Dot Feamster, Jean Foley, Mary Liz Richmond, Barbara Shiley, and Linda Schmidt.