Betty Jo McNeel was hostess to ten members of the Progressive CEOS when they met for their November meeting at Lewisburg Methodist Church. Co-President Kitty Loudermilk welcomed everyone and gave a short meditation. She asked everyone to tell of something for which they were thankful. Some of the things mentioned were health, family, friends, church and freedom.
Since no particular person had the motivator tip for this month, the members present were asked to tell of things they do to keep themselves healthy. Exercise and eating healthy foods were a couple of things mentioned.
Linda Schmidt reported on attending the Craft Day workshop on Oct. 25. The chicken scratch class taught by Patty Gray was especially enjoyable.
A Precious Memories workshop was scheduled for Nov. 11 at the Rupert Community Building. Registration at 9:30 a.m. and the meeting at 10. It was a covered dish lunch and a council meeting followed. Everyone was encouraged to bring a favorite recipe or tell a favorite family memory.
Committee reports were filled out. They are due Nov. 30.
Betty Jo brought the traveling basket and Kitty took it home with her and will bring it back next month filled with goodies.
Exercise minutes were recorded by Colleen Walton. She also recorded the number of books read by members.
The next meeting will be the Christmas party on Dec. 6 at 1 p.m. at Food & Friends. In place of a gift exchange, donations for Penny Pitch will be collected.
Instead of a program, the members worked on the scrapbook. They had decided not to have a scrapbook in 2015, but still collected articles, pictures, etc. to keep for history. However, this year they decided to resume the scrapbook. So at this meeting they worked on both 2015 and 2016 scrapbooks. After working for a while, Betty Jo called for a break and served delicious and tasty refreshments. Those enjoying them were: Faye Honaker, Colleen Walton, Kitty Loudermilk, Dot Feamster, Patty Gray, Mary Liz Richmond, Lynn Humphreys, Linda Schmidt, Jean Foley and Betty Jo McNeel.
The CEOS, a community and home organization, is always looking for new members. If interested, contact the Extension Office at 304 647-7408 for more information.