The Progressive CEOS met on Tuesday, Apr. 9, 2024, at the residence of Patty Gray.
President Patty Gray called the meeting to order and welcomed all members. Lynn Humphreys gave a meditation of scriptures and played a ram shofar horn, which was very nice and sounded like a trumpet. It is one of the oldest musical horns in the world.
Minutes were read by Betty Jo McNeel and approved as read. Treasurer’s report was given by Lynn Humphreys with a balance of $277.19. Health Motivator Tips to keep physically active were offered by Patty Gray, recommending 30 minutes of exercise each day to keep muscles strong.
Achievement Day will be May 16 at the White Sulphur Springs Union Hall. The theme will be dancing, bees, and tie-dye. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. with a catered meal in the amount of $11.
On June 12 plans are to tour the fish hatchery in White Sulphur Springs, then have lunch at Cook’s Restaurant.
President Patty Gray presented the program on restoring and refinishing furniture. She demonstrated how she had restored a chair over 100 years old belonging to the grandparents. The work entails three categories: conserve, restore, and refinish.
Sally Holliday won the door prize. Those enjoying refreshments and fellowship were Elsie Dunkle, Patty Gray, Sally Holliday, Faye Honaker, Lynn Humphreys, Betty Jo McNeel, and Colleen Walton.