Learn the basics of Adobe Photoshop in New River Community and Technical College’s three-week introductory workshop offered through Zoom video conferencing starting Tuesday, Feb. 22.
The community education class will contain both lecture and lab components allowing students to gain hands-on experience with the photo editing program. Students in the class will learn to use layers, layer adjustments, curves, selections, masking techniques, plug-ins, color management techniques, special effects and compositing along with how to enhance and improve digital images for output to photographic digital printers and/or the web.
The class will meet from 6 to 8 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuition for the class is $100, and the registration deadline is Feb. 11. Participants will be emailed the Zoom link and log-in information after registering for the class.
Visit www.newriver.edu/community for information on upcoming classes or register for the course or contact Gloria Kincaid (304-793-6101, gkincaid@newriver.edu).
New River CTC’s Workforce Education Division provides community education classes and employable educational opportunities including noncredit courses, workforce development programs and customized training.