“Success is best when it’s shared.” —Howard Schultz
As we close down Penny Pitch for the season, we want to thank everyone who shared in making this effort successful.
Thanks to our longtime partners who conducted interviews and delivered to the families – the Jaycees, the Lewisburg Rotary, the White Sulphur Rotary, the Western Greenbrier Rotary, and the Smoot Ruritan Club. Thanks also to the numerous individuals who volunteered to help.
Thank you to the employees at Wal-Mart who worked hard to make sure that the families were able to use their awards appropriately so the children had a better Christmas.
Thank you to Cornerstone IGA in Fairlea for preparing all the food boxes and to the Spartan football team and coaches who helped us load and dispense them.
Thank you to Sarah Richardson and Mike Showell and the staff of the Mountain Messenger for donating space in the newspaper to make the applications and information available as well as recognizing our donors weekly.
And thank you to all of our donors! We have all shared in making a difference for many families in our area.
100.00 In honor of Clayton & Pat Tyree on 35th
Anniversary and in honor of Clayton’s
103rd birthday.
5,000.00 In memory of Lawson & Jeanne Hamilton &
George & Helen Aide
500.00 In memory of Jim & Mildred Rutledge
TOTAL: $54,945.00