Edgewood Presbyterian Church will host its first annual Penguin Plunge on Saturday, Mar. 1, at Ronceverte Island Park. The event starts at 1 p.m., and plungers are asked to assemble at noon. Radio Greenbrier will be live on location on 103.1FM The Bear from 12 noon to 2 p.m., with Big Al from Highway 64 and Buddy Bear. There will be contests with fun prizes for best costume and more, plus free hot chocolate and ham biscuits will be served to the first 100 plungers. All proceeds benefit Edgewood Presbyterian Church Saturday of Service ministry of providing monthly free meals for those with food insecurity within the Greenbrier Valley or for anyone who needs it or wants it.
Edgewood Presbyterian Church is a Matthew 25 Church who accepted the Presbyterian Church USA invitation to follow Jesus’ teachings in Matthew 25:31-46 by becoming active disciples and making a difference in our community and the world. Jesus wants us to serve others with love and kindness, without expecting anything in return. “Yet in return, we get everything.”
Business sponsorships are available! For more information, please contact 304-646-6929. Plungers may visit the Edgewood Presbyterian Church Facebook page to view the event flyer with QR code to download the registration packet or stop by Arbuckle Insurance Agency in Lewisburg to pick up a packet in person.