Peace of Mind is located in between Aggies and Beltone Audiology on Jefferson Street in Lewisburg. Plans for a grand opening are underway, but until then, the store is still open for business.
For anyone who loves color, you’ll feel drawn to Peace of Mind, a newly-opened furniture and gift store in downtown Lewisburg. Located on Jefferson Street in the storefront next to Aggies, Peace of Mind offers refurbished furniture pieces, shirts, candles, gift items, and uniquely painted decor.
Owner and artist Rebecca Hambrick says that she has always loved working on and refurbishing old furniture, breathing new life into old pieces with distinct color palettes and hand-drawn designs. “I don’t know if I’d call myself an artist,” she admits, but her work says otherwise. Most of her pieces carry a bohemian color scheme, with soothing blues and eye-catching patterns.
Hambrick used to work as a social worker, a profession that Hambrick said can be pretty taxing. However, after having a heart attack earlier this year, she decided to take a step back and reevaluate what she wanted to be doing with her time. “I was defibrillated four times,” she said. “They flew me to Charleston where they put seven stints into my heart. I was off of work to heal, and I just decided that I didn’t want to go back to all of that stress.” Several months later, Peace of Mind opened for business.
“This is something that I’ve wanted to do my whole life,” Hamrick explained. “The whole process is therapy for me, the painting, the sanding, all of it. That’s where the name of the store came from, it’s my peace of mind.”
Hamrick not only sells her own pieces, she also takes special commissions and other projects, as well. She can paint or design art for specific pieces at the customer’s request, or redo pieces that the customer is perhaps unable to do themselves.
A grand opening is being planned for a later date, but the store is currently open for business. Follow the group Peace of Mind on Facebook for more information.