Breakfast at Applebee’s of Lewisburg is the place to be Saturday morning, Apr. 9, from 8 to 10 a.m. Proceeds from the Pancake Breakfast benefits local American Legion activities such as Mountaineer Boys State, Rhododendron Girls State, and many more community beneficial activities, all sponsored by the American Legion Greenbrier Post #26 of Ronceverte. Come out and have breakfast with Post #26’s veterans. Bring your neighbors, your family and friends and you will be served by members of the American Legion Greenbrier Post #26 of Ronceverte with a smile and a thank you.
Tickets cost $5 per person. Breakfast will include hot pancakes, syrup and butter, coffee or a drink of your choice. Make a day of it in our “greatest small town” of Lewisburg and enjoy the Chocolate Festival. Have breakfast at Applebee’s and then later visit some of the sites in our great small town. Contact Post #26 Commander Burdette at 304-661-4979 if you need further information. Come out and enjoy a great breakfast.