The Williamsburg CEOS met at the home of Blanche Knicely on Nov. 14. Members attending the meeting were Barbara Deeds, Virginia Hanna, Blanche Knicely, Cassandria Perkins, Patricia Post, Laura Rose, Lorettta Shirley and Linda Spencer. Burl Post and Laura Sevy attended as guests.
The members gave reports of their recent activities including the retirement party on Nov. 10 for extension agent Kay Davis.
The lesson “Cooking for One” was presented by Blanche Knicely. It was full of tips for making eating alone more appealing. After the business meeting a splendid lunch served by Blanche Knicely was enjoyed by all.
December’s meeting will be a Holiday Lunch at Spring Creek Station on Dec. 14 at 2 p.m. Donations at this meeting will go to Penny Pitch.