James, Jesse, Owen or David Jarrett who came to the Greenbrier Valley of (now) West Virginia in the 1770s were some of the earliest permanent settlers. While Jesse, Owen and David are thought to have moved on in a few years, James stayed to raise a large family. Some claim he had as many as 24 children. Again, many left the Greenbrier Valley but several stayed to raise their own families. All descendants of the four Jarrett brothers are invited to a reunion of Jarrett descendants on Saturday, June 4, at the James Jarrett House (Fairhill) near Alderson.
Margaret Hambrick, a Jarrett descendant and owner of the James Jarrett House, said, “We are expecting a large crowd. We have had attendance confirmations from as far away as Alaska and California.”
Planned from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a catered lunch at noon, visitors will have the opportunity to tour the James Jarrett House, talk with many relatives, take a hay-ride, and learn more family history. If you have a question or to make a reservation, please leave a message on the face book page, https://www.facebook.com/JarrettFamilyReunion2016 or call 716-570-1722.
The event is being partially sponsored by the Greenbrier Historical Society and coordinated by John Jarrett (NY) and Margaret Hambrick (WV). Lunch reservations must be received by May 20.