This holiday season, MonPower employees at the Fairlea service center supported the work of Communities In Schools of Greenbrier County (CISGC) by donating $745 towards CISGC programming, including their partnership on the “Christmas 4A Knight” holiday program at EGMS. The FirstEnergy Foundation has generously offered to match the funds donated by their employees making the total impact nearly $1,500.
“CISGC appreciates the continued support of our local MonPower employees. Everyone, management and employees, at MonPower truly understands the critical level of need that some families experience and are great champions for our local students. Not only do they give at the holidays but they have also helped CISGC fill other needs in the past, such as school supplies,” says Executive Director Kasey Carter.
CIS of Greenbrier County is a dropout prevention program whose mission is to “surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.” CISGC operates on-site in eight schools throughout Greenbrier County. For more information call 304-661-1018or visit and help area students succeed!