Greenbrier East Wrestling Team Captains: Colby Piner (left), Cayden Hoover, Zach Mullins, and Owen Quinn
We are The AAA Region 3 Duals Champions…AGAIN! We beat George Washington High School (a team that beat us three weeks earlier,) St. Albans High School (a team that is ranked fifth in the state,) and Woodrow Wilson High School (a well-coached rival). It was FUN! It is also a great opportunity to see the competition for the state championships. As a coach it is my responsibility to give our wrestlers the opportunity for greatness. It is also my responsibility to have them prepared for such a challenge. Well, we accomplished that mission by winning the AAA Region 3 Duals Championships. Now on to bigger and better goals!
Trivia: Cayden Hoover recently won his 100th High School Wrestling match. That puts him in exclusive company. Only 10 Greenbrier East Wrestlers are in the “Century Club.” Can you name the five wrestlers that joined last year?
Upcoming events and highlights: This Friday and Saturday we will be competing at the largest dual meet tournament in West Virginia. There will be teams from five different states. Wrestling will begin at noon on Friday and 10 a.m. on Saturday at the Summersville Armory. Stop by for some great team action along with quite a few individual state champions competing. On Jan. 9 we will be wrestling Beckley at their high school at 6 p.m. It is for the ‘coal country’ challenge. This has really turned into an exciting event. A big THANK YOU goes out to my coaches who help our wrestlers prepare for life. Thank you Andy Evans, Billy Thomas, Mark Solak, Lou Withrow and Tracy Asbury. Great coaches who are even greater people!
EGMS update: the middle school team will be going to St. Albans for a two day tournament. I’m excited to follow their improvement.
Eastern Greenbrier Wrestling Club: This club team keeps winning and winning while having fun. Is it a coincidence? I don’t think so. Great job wrestlers, parents and coaches!
Follow us on Twitter @CoachMiluk and Facebook at Greenbrier East Spartan Wrestling.
Miluk humor: I asked my wife if she ever fantasizes about me. She said YES… about me taking out the trash, doing the dishes and mowing the lawn. (I’m serious!) OUCH!
Trivia answer: The five wrestlers from last year’s team that won over 100 high school matches were Aaron Davis, Levi Hobbs, Jacob Thomas, Jacob Hefner and Leslie Campbell. The previous five alumni “Century Club” members are Jasiel Kinder, Davis Solak, Josiah Solak, Logan Evans and Joe Heath.
The Greenbrier East Wrestling team is looking forward to winning the Regional Championships for the third year in a row. Coach Miluk is quoted as saying, “Leadership cannot really be taught, it can only be learned.” All four of our captains learned how to lead by previous champions. We have great leadership with these men!
Greenbrier East High School Wrestler of the Week
Name: Cayden Hoover
Grade: 12th grade
GPA: 3.50
Parents: Charles Hoover and Amy Vail
Record: 17-3 (8 Pins)
Highlight: Region 3 Duals Champion (Team MVP)
Quote: “If you ain’t first, you’re last!”
Coach’s Comment: “Cayden is a tremendous leader for this team. He has a fighter’s mentality. He never quits. He is responsible and loyal. We can always count on Cayden.”