The Maxwelton Ruritan club held their September meeting at the Henning Church of God on Sept. 28. Members present welcomed new member Brenda Wallace and associate member Robin Zimmerman.
After learning that the current band uniforms at EGMS have been used since the opening of the school in 1992, they made a contribution to help with the purchase of new band uniforms.
The club will also purchase Halloween candy to donate to GVMC and the City of Rainelle to hand out at their Trunk or Treat events. Adopt A Highway road cleanup was held on Oct. 2, with members collecting 10 bags of trash along US 219 North. Officers for the upcoming year will be elected at the October meeting.
President Lee reminded the members about the upcoming Lower WV District convention on Saturday, Nov. 4 at the Dream Center located beside the Beckley Church of God Worship Center. The convention begins with registration at 8:30 a.m. Members were also encouraged to attend the National Convention in Charleston, SC, starting Jan. 18, 2019.
Ruritan is a civic service organization made up of local clubs in urban areas, small towns and rural communities. Our slogan is Fellowship, Community Service and Goodwill. Ruritan has been serving local communities since 1928 with the establishment of the Holland, Virginia club.
The Maxwelton Ruritan Club was chartered in 1953. Most people recognize our Ice Cream Concession Stand at the WV State Fair where we volunteer every August. All proceeds from the ice cream sales go back into our local community. We donate to Penny Pitch, Red Cross, Shop With A Cop, Family Refuge Center, 4-H Clubs, CYAC, and local Boy Scouts. We also give two scholarships to deserving high school seniors. Our club is responsible for road-clean up along 219 North with the Adopt A Highway program, and projects you know should be undertaken in our community but we have not thought of them.
The Maxwelton Ruritan club meets the fourth Thursday of each month at the Henning Church of God on Vago Road. The dinner meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. We welcome the opportunity to meet you and tell you more about our club, and dinner is on us!