The Alpha Gamma Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma met at Food and Friends in Lewisburg on Saturday, Nov. 20. President Lucy Bell called the meeting to order and welcomed the following members: Treasurer Nancy Bostic, Vice-President Mary Sue Burns, Secretary Pam Echols, Barbara Holesapple, Donna Jackson, Katy Montgomery, and Sharon Vance.
A very important part of the meeting was a memorial service to Nancy Ratliff, who passed away in the summer of 2021. Nancy, a 50-year member of Delta Kappa Gamma, devoted 33 years to the education of Monroe County students and had an illustrious career serving in many capacities.
Billie Hutsenpiller was also recognized for currently being a 50-year member of Delta Kappa Gamma. She taught at Lewisburg and Smoot Elementary Schools before receiving a law degree and practicing law in Lewisburg. She currently resides on the family farm in Smoot.
Items of business included selecting a college student, an education major, to receive the $550 scholarship established by the Alpha Gamma chapter in honor of Nancy Ratliff; collecting coats to be distributed to students in Pocahontas County; assigning members to standing committees; and accepting the treasurer’s report. President Lucy advised all members to submit write-ups of their community service.
Tabled items included installation of new officers and induction of new members Alicia Wayne and Julia Williams.
The next meeting is scheduled for Mar. 19, 2022.