The West Virginia Sight Conservation Foundation, Inc. (LCIF) again sponsored free eye screenings this year at the State Fair of West Virginia.
Local coordinator, White Sulphur Springs Lion’s Club member Jim Miller, reported that during the five days the eye screening units were operating, 518 people were screened, with 85 of those referred for further testing by professionals.
Forty individuals from 10 Lions Clubs volunteered to participate in the five-day event. Also, LCIF Trustee Steve Clendenen volunteered to tow the eye screening RV from Bradley to the fairgrounds and set it up for their use.
Setting up and performing free eye screenings for the public at the fair is a community service local Lions have done for the past several years. If someone needs eyeglasses and cannot afford them, the Lions are always there to help.
This year, the Sight Conservation Foundation would also like to thank Scott Underwood and American Campers of Bradley, for donating the use of a beautiful air-conditioned RV to use as the Lions’ eye-screening “office.” Many thanks also to all of the clubs who made this possible and made this year’s program a success.