The Greenbrier County Public Library will kick off its annual fund drive on Dec. 7 at 6 p.m. with an event at the library featuring tasty refreshments and entertainment by the vocal trio The Honey Drops. The singers are students of popular local songstress Susanna Robinson, who will accompany them on the keyboard.
“The Greenbrier County Public Library is a treasured asset in our community that it is open seven days a week,” said Mardi McMillan, chair of the Board of Trustees. “Although we receive state and local funding, it is not sufficient to offer the services and hours that our patrons need and deserve. We hold our annual fund drive in order to make up the difference. The kick-off is a fun way to encourage our patrons to help ensure that the library continues to offer outstanding service to the community.”
Whether or not you attend the event, you can support the library by sending your tax-deductible donation to: Greenbrier County Public Library, 152 Robert W. McCormick Drive, Lewisburg, WV 24901.