The Lewisburg in Bloom Committee has entered the city in the National America in Bloom Contest. Lewisburg will compete with cities of like population throughout the nation in six criteria.
The judges will visit Lewisburg on July 6 and 7.
Criteria number one is attracting attention with colorful plants in floral displays. The judges will be looking at the good use and integration of annuals, perennials, bulbs and ornamental grasses. Judges will evaluate flower beds, carpet bedding, containers, baskets and window boxes. They will look for arrangement, originality, distribution, location, diversity, balance and harmony. They will also look at the quality of maintenance.
Lewisburg has many floral displays on Washington Street that the Lewisburg Foundation has planned and implemented. Additionally, the Bluebell Garden Club, under the umbrella of Lewisburg in Bloom, has designed and planted pots and planters for many businesses throughout Lewisburg.
Businesses are asked to make sure their landscaping and or containers are beautifully displayed and regularly maintained as well. This includes weeding your landscaping and flower displays. This includes business located all over Lewisburg, not just in the downtown area.
Judges will be going through all the residential areas and looking for an overall feeling of pride in ownership and pride in living spaces. Even as a renter, you can show the city and the judges that you support the city’s efforts and take care of the property entrusted to you.
Lewisburg has community involvement in design, planting and maintenance, and volunteerism is strong. The Greenbrier Gardeners sponsors the “Yard of the Month” program and your yard could be chosen and recognized in the newspaper and on Facebook for this honor.
There will be a community cleanup day on Monday, July 3, beginning at 8 a.m. Organizers and volunteers will meet at Lewisburg City Hall for clean-up assignments.