President Townley Hamilton announced the Sunflower Contest at Lewisburg Elementary School would be held at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 18, and asked for volunteers to assist in measuring the sunflowers. Students are reminded to gather their sunflowers for this annual contest.
The Greenbrier District Meeting of West Virginia Garden Club is slated for Friday, Oct. 9, at 9 a.m. at the Lewisburg United Methodist Church, and President Hamilton stated the speaker would be Troy Holbrook on “Bees,” and the State Garden Club President would be in attendance. Lunch will be provided by the Church Ladies Auxiliary. Reservations are due by Sept. 23 meeting at the home of Peggy Brown.
Members present were: Feona Gore, Susan Ernst, Sue McKinney, Barbara Tuckwiller, Carol Olson, Judy Deegans, Polley Cunningham, Pat Wingo, Rebecca Gaujot, Joan Tuckwiller, Townley Hamilton, Peggy Brown, Marit Withrow and Susan Harkness.