The Lewisburg House and Garden Club met at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, July 22, at the residence of Linda and Brenda Spencer of Lewisburg for a guided tour of their perennial garden in full bloom. Following the tour, members were treated to refreshments on the patio by the Spencers and members Lynn Weber and Judy Deegans.
The business meeting was conducted by President Townley Hamilton who reviewed the activities of the Club this summer including the gift of the wrought iron fence for the Pointer’s Cemetery and the plaque. Carol Olson also gave a report on the Club’s project – the Confederate Cemetery – regarding the summer maintenance of same.
Lewisburg Garden Clubs Homes Tour Publicity Chair for June, 2016 Mary Jo Thompson, gave a report on the status of the tour and asked for volunteers to assist her with the publicity.
The next Club meeting will be held on Wednesday, Aug. 26, at 1 p.m. at the home of Polley Cunningham with Pat Wingo as co-hostess.
Members present were: Susan Harkness, Sue McKinney, Judy Deegans, Carol Olson, Pat Wingo, Lynn Weber, Suzanne Hancock, Caroline Hancock, guest, Peggy Brown, Karen Lee McClung, Barbara Tuckwiller, Joan Montgomery, Brenda Jones, Polley Cunningham, Mary Jo Thompson, Townley Hamilton, and guest of Mrs. Thompson, Merritt Withrow.