Lewisburg House and Garden Club had six members attend the 94th annual convention of the West Virginia Garden clubs at the Glade Springs Resort, held Apr. 19 to Apr. 21. The attendees from the Lewisburg House and Garden Club are President Marit Withrow, Judy Deegans, Deloris Dotson, Suzanne Cronquist, Barb Hiltner, and Martha Perilli. Members gathered from all over the state to celebrate gardening and community with informative workshops on such items of interest as making Japanese moss balls as a plant medium and how to grow mushrooms.
The speaker at the Saturday luncheon was Kevin Johnson from Appalachian Headwaters of Lewisburg. His topic was pollinators.
The convention featured a “hee haw dinner” where the members were encouraged to celebrate with some fun and frivolity.
The dinner speaker was Carcille Burchette, Director of the South Atlantic Region Garden Clubs.
Lewisburg House and Garden Club member Suzanne Cronquist served as the state chairperson for the Smokey Bear and Woodsy Owl poster contest and as the chairperson for the youth poetry contest.
“Whether you have a green thumb or not, if you are interested in joining a garden club, go to wvgardenclub.com to find out more.”