By Sarah Richardson
The February meeting of the Lewisburg City Council was held last Tuesday, and Mayor Beverly White opened with a poem she wrote in 2012 to honor Black History Month:
“We have always honored those who have gone before, we have thanked all of those who have opened so many doors
We’ve stayed true to our beliefs, even when there was no relief from prejudice and pain
We have fought the good fight, we have stood for what’s right, we have given racism a voice, because we had no choice but to carry on
Today, the war is still going on for equality, yes, it’s still up to you and me, to keep the battle going until the race is won, and racism is dead and gone
All that you’ve been asked to do, is follow God’s law and to yourselves be true
To help our fellow men each day, and always, always show the way, that you are the better person.
Today as we continue to celebrate, things are better, however, we are aiming to be great
Until all of God’s children can honestly say, ‘Yes, we’ve come a long way.’”
At the invitation of the Mayor, Gibbs Kinderman and Birch Graves were in attendance, with Graves speaking in the stead of Greenbrier East High School Band Teacher Jim Allder, about the plans for the Greenbrier East High School Spartan Marching Band to attend a Pearl Harbor remembrance event in Hawaii this December. Graves spoke on how the band incorporates history into their performances before Kinderman provided a short history lesson on Doris “Dorie” Miller, a U.S. Navy soldier who was the first Black recipient of the Navy Cross and a nominee for the Medal of Honor. Miller was stationed aboard the USS West Virginia during the attack on Pearl Harbor, and helped carry fellow soldiers to safety before shooting down at least one plane with an anti-aircraft gun despite not having training for that weaponry.
City Manager Misty Hill participated via phone and presented a proposal to adjust the pay for Derrick Morgan, a water distribution department employee with an operator’s license for the water plant. Morgan is working toward his Class II operator’s certification, and it was suggested that he receive differential pay when working at the plant. The motion was approved by the council.
US Cellular submitted a Fleet Proposal to City Manager Hill, Public Works Director Tony Hill, as well as Rick Johnson and Ryan Bostic. “This will give us the ability to track when service is needed on our vehicles,” explained Hill. “This does not include police and fire, this is just for Public Works.” They will also be able to monitor the speed and location of city vehicles, as well as their location history. They proposed a two-year contract, with the first year has a discount bringing the annual total down to $3,146, and the second year will cost the full $4,092. The funding would come from the “water and general fund, so it would be streets, parks, and water,” said Hill. “If we have it in the budget, I’d like it to start this year, but if not, we could do it for the next physical year.”
Mayor White asked for this item to be brought before council again at the March meeting, when a budget meeting is scheduled. “I’d like to see where we are at this fiscal year, budget-wise, before we do this,” said Councilmember Valerie Pritt. It was motioned to recommend the approval of the US Cellular Fleet Proposal pending a budget review to ensure funding.
The council then went into executive session to discuss employee matters. After 40 minutes, they reconvened with no decisions made.
Fire Chief Joey Thomas reported “an extremely busy month” for the Fire Department with 166 calls, including one rescue from an area hotel elevator during the power outage last month.
Councilmember Arron Seams said that the Finance Committee met earlier in the month and presented several items for council’s consideration. First, a change order for the Water System Improvement Project from Empire Salvage with an increase of $33,763.98, and a 90-day extension for the project, which was approved.
A contract renewal with Greenbrier Valley Solid Waste was approved, after being tabled at a previous meeting. Mayor White noted that one item in the contract that some citizens may not know is that there is a lower trash pickup rate of $15 per month, limited to one can or one bag less than 35 pounds, offered “to city residents if their income for the previous year’s tax return show adjusted gross income of less than $15,000, including social security income not subject to tax. This rate is not available to customers receiving reimbursement for trash services from Health and Human Services.” She encourages citizens with an income of less than $15,000 per year to contact Greenbrier Valley Solid Waste.
Public Works Director Tony Legg gave his monthly report, with Mayor White passing along thanks from area businesses for the snow removal the city has undertaken in recent storms. Councilmember Sarah Elkins reported that she received a citizen complaint regarding the plowing on Greenbrier Avenue, where there is a sidewalk on one side and no sidewalk on the other side, and they were asking the City to plow the snow out of the road against the other side of the street to help keep that sidewalk clear, rather than plowing the snow out of the road and onto the sidewalk side. Legg said they will look into it, he also said that they had gotten several complaints about vehicles on the street being covered with snow after the plows have come through.
“We have vehicles parked on the road that don’t want to get in their driveway because of the plow, but you can’t leave your vehicles in the road. You have to move them to where we can plow,” he asks. He also said when there is 10+ inches of snow, it’s impossible to keep it from piling in front of driveways when the plow comes through, despite efforts. “Be mindful please, of your vehicles when there is deep snow,” he said. He said that there are several new employees learning how to run the plows, and that the plow blades can sometimes “freeze” in one direction, which limits the plow’s movement when the temperatures are low.
For communications from councilmembers, Councilmember Sarah Elkins said that several boardmembers with Greenbrier Valley Pride have reached out regarding returning GVP to Lewisburg.
In other news:
- Resolution 576, water project pay request #34 for the amount of $330,961.83 was approved. “This was reviewed and recommended by the Finance Committee, as well,” Councilmember Arron Seams noted.
- A salary increase for Rebecca White and Sarah Jenkins-Morgan was proposed following their training on municipal elections. A rate increase of 50 cents per hour was approved for both employees. City employee Beverly Davis was also approved a salary increase of 50 cents per hour.
- Crystal Ratliff was appointed to the position as City Clerk with a unanimous vote by those in attendance.