Two area physicians received recognition for their work with West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine (WVSOM) students.
Kathleen Martin, M.D., received the 2022 Outstanding Primary Care Preceptor Award for the South East Region of WVSOM’s Statewide Campus. Martin is a pediatrician at the Robert C. Byrd Clinic in Lewisburg. She also serves as a member of WVSOM’s clinical sciences faculty.
John Tabit, D.O., received the 2022 Outstanding Specialty Preceptor Award for the South East Region. Tabit is an orthopedic surgeon at West Virginia Orthopedic Trauma in Beckley and a WVSOM Class of 2006 alumnus.
Preceptors assist and provide guidance to WVSOM medical students in their third- and fourth-year clinical rotations. Each year, Outstanding Primary Care and Specialty Preceptor Awards are given to physicians from each of WVSOM’s seven Statewide Campus regions who have demonstrated excellence in teaching and mentoring. These health professionals have also demonstrated a commitment to community wellness and service.
There are 84 hospitals, clinics and medical centers across West Virginia and surrounding states that participate in WVSOM’s Statewide Campus system.