Dear Editor:
On Tuesday, Aug. 1, I got to go to a comment session with WVDEP re: the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. Many people just like you and me came armed with facts and statistics to voice their opposition, and I agree with them.
Fracking, pipeline construction and all of its related infrastructure is not good for anyone, from the “bugs” in the streams to every animal and human that depends on clean water and a healthy environment to survive.
Of the few who spoke for the pipeline, all but one admitted connections to Dominion Co. or pipeline construction.
One gentleman stood at the podium and stated the pipeline would create 17,000 jobs. Well, I’m sorry, but we all laughed. I did too, and no, it was not respectful in that setting, but it was such a lie, what else could you do!?
The pipeline won’t create enough jobs to replace those it will destroy, like those associated with tourism, rafting, lodging, restaurants, etc. Those people will not have work when there are no rivers clean enough to play in or fish; when the reports of polluted waters scare them away.
It makes me sad and angry that the greed of a few could destroy so much for so many.
If the extractive industries are so good for West Virginia, why is it the #1 most poor, sick, and addicted? Why are more young miners developing black lung and dying faster? Why are young women looking at birth defect statistics due to pollution and wondering if it is even moral to have their children here?
This gas is not for us. It is all destined for export. You’ve heard Mr. Trump say just that. I for one do not want to sacrifice our most precious resource, water, so a very few can become even more wealthy.
Stand up! Speak up! Write or call our representatives. Write or call WVDEP and the USDA Forest Service. Tell your friends, church members, your grandma.
Our country is so close to 21st century clean power. Don’t let the coal and gas oligarchs lock us into another generation of dirty, water wasting fossil fuel.
Debbie Naeter
Friars Hill
P.S. What does it cost the state when Trump decides to hold a “campaign rally?”