Lee Street Studios invites the public to a free opening reception in celebration of a new fiber arts exhibit in the Main Gallery.
Friday, Nov. 2 from 5- 8 p.m. Visitors have the opportunity to view the work of the Studio 2 Fiber Arts Cooperative while enjoying light appetizers and wine.
The artists participating in the exhibit are Janet Anderson, Debbie Rapp, Anne Gardner, Susan Ernst, and Susie Smead, Linda Wells. They are weavers, spinners, needle felters, knitters and crocheters. Combined, the group boasts over 75 years of experience working in the medium of fiber. Four of the participating artists are also members of the Fiber Arts Network, a collaboration of fiber artists who meet and teach workshops at Carnegie Hall.
“Some of our members raise, harvest, spin and dye their own fiber. Others purchase manufactured fibers,” says Susan Ernst, a resident artist and accomplished weaver.
The exhibit will include large works such as rugs as well as smaller crafts: mittens, tea towels, scarves, hats, and ornaments. All work will be available for purchase, and the exhibit will offer numerous items appropriate for holiday shopping.
The Studio 2 Fiber Arts Cooperative exhibit will remain in the Main Gallery throughout the month of November. During that time, the artists will hold free demonstrations and mini-classes on Saturdays beginning at 11 a.m., as follows:
- Saturday, Nov. 3: Weaving on a Loom
- Saturday, Nov. 10: Fiber Spinning
- Saturday, Nov. 17: Needle Felting
- Saturday, Nov. 24: Needle Felting
“What I love about Lee Street Studios,” says Ernst, “is there are so many different artists and media; I will look at something or hear something that moves me, and immediately think, how can I express that emotion in fiber. Just being here adds another layer for inspiration.”
Lee Street Studios in Lewisburg, WV is a community of artists committed to practicing their craft and sharing it with the community. Lee Street Studios is open to the public with ongoing art exhibits, frequent live concerts, and the opportunity to watch artists at work. Learn more about Lee Street Studios by visiting LeeStreetStudiosWV.com or call 681-318-3551. Gallery hours are Wednesday – Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.