The ladies of the Henning Church of God held their regular monthly meeting on Feb. 10 in the church fellowship hall with Barb Seldomridge, Kim Brookman, Donna and Angie Scott as hostesses. Carole Spencer presided and Betty Lou Byers led in prayer.
Dyan Hefner gave the devotion entitled, “The Envelope, Please,” with scripture reference I John 4: 4, 8-16, Romans 8: 37-39, John 13:35, I Corinthians 6:20, John 10:14 and John 14:2-3. Long ago man traveled in different ways and so did the mail. An envelope surrounds the mail and keeps the dirt out and helps it get to its destination. God envelopes us and completely surrounds us in love. The return address shows the person sending the mail just as God sent his one and only son to die for our sins. The envelope must have an official postage stamp in order for it to be mailed. Christians have a mark and that is love. The stamp also costs money and this represents the ultimate price Jesus paid for our sins. The postmark is the first stop on the letter’s journey. In order for it to travel to its destination it must be postmarked and date stamped. All Christians must have a time and date stamp in which we accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior. There is also the personal address of the recipient. This represents a personal relationship with God. The Lord knows us by name. The back has a seal so the letter will not fall out. We also have a seal to protect us and help us when we get bumped around and not let anything stop us from serving Christ. Some envelopes have Return to Sender stamped on them. We will also be returned to sender someday when the Lord claims us. How is your envelope marked?
Barb Seldomridge gave the missionary education report about the Christian Triumph Church located in Corpus Christi, Texas, with scripture reference, Nehemiah 1:4, 4:3 and 4:20. The church is over 70 years old and dilapidated. The pastor’s name is Israel Hernandez. He and his congregation pray, fast, and work on the church. The church is in a bad neighborhood and is not free from enemies. They also pray for protection as they are missionaries in the United States.
She also read “Live, Laugh, and Love,” in honor of Valentine’s Day with scripture reference Ephesians 5:19, Job 8:21 and Luke 6:3-36. Christians should be filled with the spirit, love others and do good to others and hope for nothing in return. We should live, laugh and love unconditionally. Valentine’s Day is not the only day of love. February is the national month of friendship. We should be missionaries for God’s word and a chance encounter could lead to someone’s salvation.
Pauline Perkins read last month’s minutes.
Heart disease is prevalent in women and some ways to see if you are at risk is: less than 20 minutes of exercise per day, watching more than one hour of TV per day, being overweight, drinking alcohol, and eating red meat, processed food and sugar. Everyone’s body is aging and a way to check is to see if you can stand on one leg for 20 seconds.
The group reported sending 130 cards, making 23 visits, and making 46 calls. Missions day on Jan. 31 was very enjoyable. Elections will be held next month and the nominating committee which consists of Barb Seldomridge, Betty Lou Byers, Marty Burns, and Carole Spencer will meet to select the ballot. The arts and craft schedule was set. Donations for projects will be discussed next month. Carole thanked members for donations for the Family Resource Network. The project for next month will be stamps and donations.
The next meeting will be held on Mar. 10 with Marty Burns, Shirley Loudermilk, and Sue Hunt as hostesses. Dyan Hefner dismissed in prayer and August Hefner won the door prize.
Attending were: August Hefner, Barb Seldomridge, Betty Lou Byers, Carol Spencer, Cindy Fleshman, Carole Spencer, Donna Scott, Dyan Hefner, Joan Vance, Marty Burns, Patty Owens, Pauline Perkins, Shirley Loudermilk, Sue Hunt, Rosie Blake and Angie Scott.