The James Monroe High School (JMHS) Student Government Association (SGA) met with Ms. Ruthana Beezley, the Executive Director of the Greenbrier Valley Economic Development Corporation (GVEDC), and Mr. Melvin Young from the Monroe County Commission at JMHS on May 10. The intent of the meeting was to establish an ongoing dialogue on future economic development in Monroe County.
The students provided the perspective of the future citizens and workforce in our community and laid the foundation for further opportunities to contribute to the planning process. Participants included the 2022-2023 SGA Student Body President Michael Fraley, Student Body Vice President Luke Jackson, Senior Class President Braydie Carr, Senior Class Vice President Luke Fraley, Junior Class President LeiAnn Richmond, Junior Class Vice President Cole Thomas, Sophomore Class President Gavin French, Sophomore Class Vice President Brady Baker, Freshman Class President Cole Fogus, and Freshman Class Vice President Conner Dillon.
The JMHS SGA appreciates the GVEDC and County Commission’s willingness to include its newest citizens in their work and looks forward to remaining an active part of the community through efforts such as these. If your organization is interested in connecting with them please contact the SGA advisor, Dr. Scott Womack, at swomack@k12.wv.us or via FaceBook Messenger.