Are you a butcher, a baker or a candlestick maker? If so, Carnegie Hall wants to hear from you.
Carnegie Hall is looking for Instructors to participate in Kids’ College, our two-week summer arts and science day camp. Kids’ College 2022 will be held July 11-15 and July 18-22 and offers up to five classes for students per day. Instructors can teach mornings, afternoons, or both. Instructors may also teach for just one class period. Pay for Kids’ College is based on a fixed per class rate, so income depends on the number of classes taught. Qualified applicants will have a love of what they do and a willingness to teach to others. No degree necessary.
This year, Carnegie Hall is looking for instructors to teach all art mediums, science labs and kitchen arts. Any artist or crafter is welcome to submit a proposal by following: https://fs26.formsite.com/6usHp2/voiqx0qofp/index.html, or by contacting Harmony Flora, Carnegie Hall’s Education Director, at 304-645-7917, or by email to education@carnegiehallwv.org. Interested instructors can also stop by the Carnegie Hall Business Office at 611 Church Street in Lewisburg.
Interested in volunteering for Kids’ College this year? Carnegie Hall also has opportunities for everyone, including students and retirees. Contact Volunteer Coordinator Teri Hartford at 304-645-7917, or by email to volunteer@carnegiehallwv.org.