The Dec. 1 lecture at Williamsburg Community Center by Dr. Kim McBride on McCoy Fort and the History of Forts in the Mountains of Virginia was a huge success.
Over 30 attended the lecture and received a thorough education in the lifestyle of pioneers and settlement in the “western” mountains of Virginia during the 18th century.
Details of the methods of research and conclusions were very enlightening, everyone came away with a clearer understanding about what the fort system was used for and how important it was to settlement of this part of Virginia.
The artifacts extracted from the site were on display, and everyone enjoyed the opportunity to examine them and discuss their identification. Attendees came from the local community of Williamsburg District, Lewisburg, White Sulphur Springs and Morgantown.
The lecture and refreshments were compliments of the Williamsburg Museum and a grant through Summers County Historic Landmarks Commission.
Following the lecture and discussion a contingent of enthusiastic history buffs gathered at the kitchen table and washed some debris from artifacts retrieved in the October dig done by Greenbrier East and West 8th grade WV studies students.
More wonderful bits of history became visible through the cleaning process – a small metal spoon, buckle, clay “tobacco pipe” stem, and many more.
The Williamsburg District Historical Foundation has been conducting research and programs around this McCoy Fort Project since the fall of 2011.
If your civic group (adult or youth) would like to have a traveling exhibit and discussion about the research and findings please contact the Foundation to schedule at WDHF, P.O. Box 36, Williamsburg, WV 24991 or email WilliamsburgFoundation@gmail.com.