The Ladies of the Henning Church of God held their monthly meeting on Jan. 14 in the church fellowship hall. The hostesses for the meeting were Joan Vance and Michelle Carpenter. Carole Spencer presided and Rosie Blake gave the opening prayer.
Dyan Hefner gave the devotion entitled, “Bread” with scripture reference John 6:31-33. Bread is made to be eaten and some examples include communion, fellowship, healing and wholeness. Jesus is fresh daily bread and we are to take as much as we can. He is the bread of affliction and the bread of all grace. He is the sustainer of glory, life, health, deliverance, hope and every purpose.
Barbara Seldomridge gave the missionary education report entitled, “Serve God by Serving the Poor, Sick and Incarcerated,” with scripture reference Matthew 25:35-40. We all have a calling in life no matter what situation we are in. Some serve God in ministry offices, other serve God by serving others. The love of God is action and we can serve God by serving others. Some people have no hope but God. These people meet Jesus through us. God has chosen us all to be laborers.
Jamie Harvey gave the financial report. Pauline Perkins read last month’s minutes.
The group reported sending 119 cards, making 10 visits and making 33 phone calls. The group was reminded about the upcoming connector rally to be held Feb. 8 in Teays Valley. The spring convention will be held in Beckley, Apr. 25-26 and is sponsored by the Crosspoint Church of God. There will be no mission’s day in Rippling Waters this year and the state project will be the scholarship fund. There will be a national convention this year in Daytona Beach from Oct. 30 – Nov. 2.
Dates for future events were set. The group will hold a yard sale on Saturday, Mar. 1 and have a Brown Bean and Corn Bread Luncheon. Yard, bake and hot dog sales will be held on Saturday, May 3 and Sept. 6. The Bean Dinners will be held on Monday, June 2 and Monday, Oct. 6.
The next meeting will be held Feb. 11. Stella Dodrill dismissed in prayer and Marty Burns won the door prize.
Attending were: Rosie Blake, Marty Burns, Carole Spencer, Dyan Hefner, Joan Vance, Donna Scott, Barb Seldomridge, Betty Lou Byers, August Hefner, Michelle Carpenter, Sue Hunt, Jamie Harvey, Evon Persinger, Shirley Loudermilk, Marguerite Scott, Patty Owens, Stella Dodrill and Maddie Dodrill, Lynn Poage, Pauline Perkins and Cindy Fleshman.