GVT summer drama camp tech rehearsal 2018.
Greenbrier Valley Theatre’s (GVT) Youth Education Program is excited to announce that registration is open for the annual Summer Drama Camp “Drama: Save It for the Stage.” Drama Camp is offered to children age 5-14 and runs from July 22 through Aug. 4.
“Summer camp is a time for students from all over to come together to learn about and create theatre,” Education Manager Kiersten White said.
Students in Greenbrier Valley Theatre’s summer drama camp experience intensive study in theatre arts. Campers spend two weeks exploring creative dramatics, acting for the camera, scene study, voice and movement, playwriting, storytelling and technical theatre. Camp culminates in a performance written, developed, and produced by the students.
“We welcome all children, whether this is their first time onstage or their ninth, to join us this summer,” White said.
Campers age 5-8 attend for half days from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at a cost of $285. Older campers spend whole days, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., at the theatre for $385. Need-based scholarships are available. Registration for Drama Camp closes July 12. Space is limited.
For registration or more information, visit our website at www.gvtheatre.org or contact GVT Education Manager Kiersten White at 304-645-3838 ext. 111 or kiersten@gvtheatre.org.
The program is presented with financial assistance from the WV Division of Culture & History, and the National Endowment for the Arts, with approval from the WV Commission on the Arts.