By Savanna Honaker
Greenbrier East FFA
From now until November 18th Greenbrier East High School`s FFA chapter is starting their annual Fruit Sales. The Fruit sales are a major fundraiser for us and the profits go toward funding all of our FFA events across the calendar year. The fruits the chapter offers are Hamlin and Navel oranges, Florida Tangelos, Red Grapefruit, Red and Golden Delicious apples, along with Fugi and Cameo Apples. For the first time we are offering a mixed bag, which consists of 7 Red apples, 7 yellow Apples, 10 Navel oranges, and 3 grapefruit. We also are offering 2 different brands of Ham. Suncrest Ham and Hobes Ham, and last but not least we offer sausage patties from Steve Evans.
The Greenbrier East FFA Chapter is also currently practicing for the annual tractor driving contest that will be held in November. We would like to say thank you to Boon Tractor and Harvest Equipment for donating us a lawn and a farm tractor to practice with. Without them our contest may not be possible. The regional contest will take place on November 13th. At that time we will inform you of our participants and winners.