By Sarah Richardson
Greenbrier County Schools announced earlier this week that due to a high number of inclement weather days this winter, several changes will be made to the 2024-2025 school year calendar in order to make up lost instructional time.
Under the district’s Inclement Weather Policy, Greenbrier County Schools can use five accrued instructional days to cover the first five snow days. These days don’t need to be made up and don’t involve remote learning. If the school system exceeds five days, remote learning can be used for the next five days. Since Greenbrier County’s instructional days are longer than required by state law, the district has been able to use this flexibility.
However, this year’s snowfall and low temperatures brought more school closures than usual, pushing the district past the allowable snow days. Greenbrier County Schools requested a waiver from the West Virginia Department of Education to use remote learning for more days, but the waiver was denied, as it would require a change in state code. Current state regulations require 180 instructional days, with up to five snow days and five remote learning days allowed.
To make up for the missed time, the school board has approved the following changes to the 2024-2025 calendar:
- Apr. 4: Parent Teacher Conference will become a school day.
- Apr. 22: PL day will become a school day with a 2-hour early release for Faculty Senate. The PL day is moved to June 10.
- Apr. 21: The Monday after Easter will become a school day. This was an OS day and will be moved to the end of the year.
- June 6: No early release for Faculty Senate.
- June 9: This will become a school day and the last day for students with a 2-hour early release for Faculty Senate.
- June 10: Professional Learning (PL) day – staff only.
- June 11: CD day – staff only.
- June 12: Prep day – staff only.
- June 13: OS day.
Associate Superintendent Nancy Hanna acknowledged that the calendar changes may cause some inconvenience for families. “We understand that these changes may cause some inconvenience, and we appreciate your understanding and flexibility as we work to ensure that our students receive the required instructional days.”
For more information, please visit the Greenbrier County Schools website at