Greenbrier County Schools is pleased to announce that up to five specially designated (not necessarily consecutive) Reimagined Time Days may be used at the Superintendent’s discretion in lieu of snow days. Accrued instructional time is used to make up snow days, however, Reimagined Time Days count as instructional days.
On Reimagined Time Days, students will complete school work from home by doing assignments provided by the school. Reimagined Time Day packets/assignments are distributed to elementary students in hard copy and are also available online. Middle and high school packets are available online. Paper copies for grade 6-8 are available upon request at in the school office for students who need them. Teachers will work with students in advance to show them where to access the work which will be collected the next day school is in session. Students and families must pay attention to announcements for inclement weather days labeled Reimagined Time Days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and complete the corresponding packet.
On Reimagined Time Days all staff report to work while students remain at home and complete their assigned packet. Teachers will be available via email to answer parent and student questions. Lunch for students will be served at all elementary schools from noon to 1 p.m. on Reimagined Time Days. The Superintendent reserves the right to call any of these days a closure due to weather. In such a case, the day will be made up at the end of the year.
WV Code requires county school systems to provide a minimum of 180 instructional days. After using five snow days and five Reimagined Time Days, subsequent snow days will be made up at the end of the school year. In the unfortunate scenario of more than 20 snow days, some days may have to be made up during the designated spring break and/or added to the end school year.
Greenbrier County Schools announces school closure and delay information on area radio and television stations in addition to posting announcements on FaceBook @GreenbrierCountySchools.