Thirty-seven Shepherd University students were named McMurran Scholars, Shepherd’s highest academic honor, during the 57th McMurran Scholar Convocation held Apr. 20 at the Frank Center Theater. Kristen Elizabeth Rehak, of Lewisburg, was among those recognized.
McMurran Scholars must complete a minimum of 92 semester hours, maintain a minimum 3.86 grade point average, complete two consecutive semesters of study at Shepherd, and be nominated by at least three faculty members. Nominees must then be approved by the entire Shepherd University faculty.
The McMurran Scholar award, established in 1961, is named in honor of Joseph McMurran who served as the first principal when Shepherd was established in 1871.
Located in West Virginia’s Eastern Panhandle, Shepherd University is a public liberal arts university. Shepherd is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges (COPLAC).