Jacques Uwitonze, Shelby ville, KY, speeding, fine $32, GP
Trinaty A. Forren, Lewisburg, possession of tobacco, vape on school property, fine $1,GP
Carrie L. Jeffries, Scott Depot, speeding, fine $10, GP
James Felty, Rush, KY, speeding, fine $10, NCP
Thi Nguyen, Monroe Township, NJ, failure to obey traffic signals, fine $10, NCP
Colby R. Crookshanks, Meadow Bridge, failure to yield at intersection, fine $10, GP
Anthony Brown, Rainelle, 1) improper turning, fine $15; 2) passing with oncoming traffic, fine $15; 3) driving without valid driver’s license, fine $25; 4) failure to maintain vehicle insurance, fine $200; 5)defective equipment, fine $15; 6) expired inspection sticker, fine $10, GP
Brian Peeples, Statesboro, GA, speeding, fine $32, GP
Caleb I. Humen, Hadgesville, WV, 1) speeding, fine $38; 2) reckless driving, fine $50, NCP
Rodnay Farrell Leech, White Sulphur Springs, DUI, fine $100, jail 10 days – suspended and placed on 18 months unsupervised probation