By Adam Pack
The Greenbrier County Commission met for their regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, May 9, and was pleased to begin the meeting by hearing a request from a group of Ruritans from around the county
Ruritans representing Maxwelton, Frankford, Richlands, Williamsburg, and Smoot were all present as Debbie Bowman of the Maxwelton Ruritans rose to formally request that May be proclaimed Ruritan Awareness Month in Greenbrier County. Bowman explained that Ruritan Awareness Month is an important measure that local Ruritan clubs formulated to help get members in and to clear up some confusion.
“We want May proclaimed Ruritan Awareness month first because we are not the Rotary Club, which some people think we are, and second because all of our clubs could use members, use more hands to continue working, because we are still out in our communities, working, serving, and helping out.” The Commission approved the request, with Commissioner Tammy Tincher echoing the sentiments of the entire commission by saying that, “we love our Ruritan clubs and all that they do to enrich and serve our communities.” The commission unanimously approved the request and officially proclaimed May as Ruritan Awareness Month in Greenbrier County. Furthermore, Smoot Ruritans would like to let it be known that this year marks the 75th anniversary of their chapter.
In regard to the County’s ongoing preparations for additions and renovations to the County Health Department building, the County received communication from their architects that all the documentation submitted alongside Adam Whanger Contracting’s bid of $2,710,360 is in order and acceptable. That being said, the commission approved the awarding of the project to Adam Whanger Contracting LLC unanimously.
The county also dealt with water extension work in the west end. The commission considered and accepted a subrecipient agreement with itself and Greenbrier PSD #2 in regard to Phase II Water Extension WV Infrastructure & Jobs Development Council’s Project (Project Number 2022W-2132). The agreement comes as the result of the County’s pledge to contribute $2,005,000 to the project from ARPA funds awarded to the county. In compliance with the ARPA, the county must enter into this type of subrecipient agreement. The entire project totals $20,300,000. The commission approved the subrecipient agreement PSD #2.
The commission also heard from their legal counsel about an entire slate of agenda items related to the beginning of work on the GigReady Broadband Project. The county accepted agreements for professional services through Thompson & Litton, a Letter of Understanding between the county and Region 4 Planning & Development Council designating the council as the project administrator in regard to the disbursement funds and ARPA reporting requirements, the establishment of a separate bank account for the project, and the adoption of an addendum to the county’s procurement policy in compliance with ARPA funds use regulations.
The Greenbrier County Commission will meet again on Tuesday, May, 23, at 10 a.m. in the Greenbrier County Commission offices, in the basement of the courthouse. The public is encouraged to attend. Interested parties should call 304-647-6689 ahead, as times and dates are subject to change.