By Chelsea Blair
This week’s regular county commission meeting was held on Thursday, June 13. The meeting began with the approval of arts and recreation transfers, including the request for reimbursement of $19,456.94 to Alderson, Rupert, Ronceverte, and White Sulphur Springs libraries for the 2023-2024 end of year. The City of Rainelle requested $10,181.88 for pool expenses, the Meadow River Trail requested $16.13 for the balance due for engineering on the trail. $5,425.35 was requested by the Greenbrier Historical Society for 2023-2024 archive materials, $50,000 was requested by Carnegie Hall for 2023-2024 programming costs, and the Greenbrier Valley Chorale requested $750 for guest instrumentalists for their concert in 2023-2024 year. Lastly, the Meadow Rail Trail requested $7,500 for an appraisal that had to be completed on the trail for the Abandoned Mine Land grant reimbursement, bringing the total of all Arts and Recreation transfers to $93,330.30. Before motioning to approve the transfers, Tammy Shifflett-Tincher, Commission President, added that June 14 is the last day for budget revisions to be sent to the State Auditor for approval.
This meeting included two budget revisions, including the increase of $445,567 for Litigation Reserve and Contributions for the County Commission, by $56.18. The commission will decrease professional services in the amount of $401,223 by $56.18 to make up the difference. Also, a budget revision was requested for the Greenbrier County Sheriff’s office for overtime reimbursement by the Greenbrier County Board of Education in the amount of $17,440 from the current amount of $700,108. The budget revisions were approved anonymously.
The next item on the agenda was consideration of a proclamation to recognize Elder Abuse Awareness month. Members of the Committee on Aging presented the proclamation before the commissioners, asking that June 13 be named Elder Abuse Awareness Day in Greenbrier County. They also included an Elder Abuse Awareness Walk taking place at CAMC field at noon and encouraged the community and commissioners to join. The proclamation was approved unanimously, naming June 13 as Elder Abuse Awareness Day.
Next, a consideration to approve a Monongahela Power Company Distribution Line Easement for the 1599 Harper Road Property was approved. Commissioner Lowell Rose included that the easement is due to the enlargement of the water system to the river.
Prosecuting Attorney Pat Via, although unable to attend, provided the commissioners with a new hire request to fill the Victim Services Coordinator vacancy in the Prosecutor’s Office. He requested that Michelle Vaughn fill the full-time position, stating that he finds her highly qualified and says she should be a great addition to the staff in the office. Via requested that employment begin June 13. The motion was approved unanimously by the commission. Bart Baker, Greenbrier County Chief Deputy, also presented a new employment application for Joshua Doss to be approved to fill a vacancy at the Greenbrier County Sheriff’s Department. Doss is currently employed by the Lewisburg Police Department. The motion was approved.
The commission approved the separation of part-time employment for Todd Fouler who was hired on Dec. 3, 2024, from the Greenbrier County 911 Center effective May 8, 2024.
Consideration to approve payment draw request #2 for Greenbrier County GigReady Broadband Project was the next item discussed. The payment request is for engineering professional services by Thompson and Litton in the amounts of $13,915, $12,435, $10,370, and $56,480, bringing the total payment match for the project total by the county to $93,200. Commissioner Nicholas Dailey motioned to approve the payment and it passed unaminously.
Commissioner Tincher went on to explain that the Greenbrier County Employee Handbook is in dire need of being revised and updated, therefore a consideration to approve agreement for Pullen, Fowler, Flanagan, Brown & Poe to update and revise the handbook was approved unanimously. The cost will be on a flat fee basis in the amount of $3,000, payable upon the completion of the handbook.
Another discussion on the agenda included the reappointment of board members. Mary Serbaugh and Mark Gillespie will be reappointed to the Mountain Transit Authority Board representing Greenbrier County effective July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2027. Matt Ford will be reappointed as a board member to Greenbrier Valley Economic Development Corporation, effective July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2027. Gordan Campbell and Kim Kolkowski will be reappointed as board members of the Greenbrier County Board of Zoning Appeals, effective July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2027, and lastly Mayor Beverly White will be reappointed as board member of the Greenbrier County Board of Health, effective July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2029.
The final item on the agenda was consideration to revise the effective dates of all current board members serving on Greenbrier County Public Service District #2 to coincide with all other Greenbrier County Boards following the fiscal year calendar. With this change Curtis Crookshanks will continue as a board member through June 30, 2030, Panfilo Benny Demasio will continue through June 30, 2026 and Howard McClain will continue through June 30, 2028. The date revisions were approved unanimously.
Before the meeting came to a close, Commissioner Tincher reminded everyone that all state, government and county offices will be closed on June 19 in observance of Juneteenth and June 20 in recognition of West Virginia Day.