The many people involved in planning all the events for the Greenbrier Historical Society’s Home Tour Weekend events are down to last minute details.
The Garden Party, being held from 6-8 p.m. on Friday, June 7, is all organized, including a special musical event.
Alan Copenhaver, a teacher and musician with over 35 years of experience in various genres of music, will be providing the music. He holds a degree in Instrumental Music Education from East Tennessee State University. Prior to moving to Beckley, he taught public schools as a Band Director in Tennessee and Virginia where he was awarded County Teacher of the year in 2004 (middle school) and again in 2006 (high school). Before beginning his teaching career, Alan worked as a professional musician touring the U.S. with artists including Ava Barber of the Lawrence Welk Show.
He will be playing a soft mix of tunes such as “I Left My Heart in San Francisco,” “All of Me,” and “I Can’t Stop Loving You,” along with soft country standards like “Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain” and “Mansion on the Hill,” all done as guitar instrumental music. He may also play some older mountain style guitar instrumentals including “Wildwood Flower” and “Lorena,” creating an atmosphere where folks can mingle and chat comfortably.
The owners of the homes on tour on Saturday, June 8, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. are eager to welcome guests who will be inspired by landscaping, decorating ideas, beautiful collections, and the fine craftsmanship of long ago workers. All the homes open at 10 a.m., and guests can begin the tour and purchase their tickets at any home. They are all relatively close to each other so guests may take their time, enjoy lunch in one of our fine restaurants, and still see all the homes.
Morgan Bunn is working diligently on the restoration of the grave stone of John Bowyer to have it ready by Sunday, June 8, when it will be highlighted in one of several short dramas by Pamela Barry, award winning writer and director, and performed by Larry Davis, Lieselotte Heil, Kelly Kemp, and Danny Seams. The event will occur twice – at 1:30 p.m. and again at 2:15 p.m. – and tickets are limited. Bunn will also present information on grave stone restoration and some of the more unusual stones/characters buried in the Old Stone Cemetery.
All of the proceeds of the Home Tour Weekend go toward the operational expenses of the Greenbrier Historical Society. Margaret Hambrick, president of the Board of the Greenbrier Historical Society, said, “We really appreciate all those who work so hard make these events come together. Board members take the lead to plan an event or “champion” a home. The owners of the venues plus the writer/director and actors give huge amounts of time to insure their part is well done. We thank them all!”
For more information and tickets, visit the Greenbrier Historical Society/North House Museum or their facebook page https://www.facebook.com/greenbrierhistorical/ and web page http://www.greenbrierhistorical.org. Tickets can purchased in person or on-line. Tickets are also available at the Greenbrier Convention and Visitors Bureau. Tickets for the Garden Party and the Sunday in the Cemeteries events are limited so purchase them soon.
Alan Copenhaver is new to our area and will be the featured musician at the Garden Party at the home of Dr. Kyle and Ann Fort from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday, June 7. Tickets are limited.