RWC Vice President Sandra Walton (left) and Jane Gillespie, head of the Happy Kids organization of the Ronceverte Presbyterian Church

RWC members with perfect attendance for the 2016-2017 club year: Diane Rose (left), Sherri Lilly, Sandra Walton and Mary Ellen Raines
On Apr. 24, the GFWC WV Ronceverte Woman’s Club (RWC) held a dinner meeting at Edgarton Cafe and celebrated GFWC Federation Day. Ronceverte Mayor David Smith was invited to the meeting and signed a proclamation stating that Apr. 24 is GFWC Day in Ronceverte.
On Apr. 24, 1890, the General Federation of Woman’s Clubs was formed in New York City. Today over 80,000 clubwomen and 3000 clubs continue to stand together to celebrate “Unity in Diversity.” GFWC is an international women’s organization dedicated to community improvement by enhancing the lives of others through volunteer service. Following the signing, the club enjoyed an Italian buffet and a special cake designed to mark the occasion.
Four club members had perfect attendance for the 2016-2017 club year. Dianne Rose, Sherri Lilly, Sandra Walton and Mary Ellen Raines were presented with a red rose for their outstanding support of RWC.
The program for the evening was a presentation by Jane Gillespie who told about Happy Kids, a local endeavor started by the Ronceverte Presbyterian Church in order to help meet the needs of homeless children in Greenbrier County. During the business meeting, the club voted to give a donation to Happy Kids.
The RWC supports the Ronceverte Public Library in many ways. At this meeting the club voted to give a generous donation to the Ronceverte Public Library, and 15 members volunteered to help with the upcoming Spring Salad Luncheon sponsored by the Ronceverte Public Library Board of Trustees by providing salads, desserts and/or working at the event.
In other business, the club decided upon the date of Aug. 5 for a yard sale fundraiser.
The next meeting will be on Monday, May 24 at 7 PM at the Ronceverte Baptist Church on Main and Locust Streets. Membership is open to anyone interested in joining this civic organization. Call 304-647-4890 for more information.