Pharmacy technician Nadine Fullen reached a milestone this month that few ever achieve in a lifetime. On Apr. 1, Fullen celebrated 50 years of service at Union Pharmacy. “What an amazing accomplishment. We are so happy to share this gold anniversary with Nadine,” said Allen Carson, owner of Union Pharmacy. “Nadine has been an integral part of Union Pharmacy’s success and she has cared for the community for many generations,” he added.
Fullen started working at the pharmacy in 1966 (then Monroe Pharmacy) during the days when the old soda fountain was thriving. “We used to serve lunch and there was a small dining area in the pharmacy for patrons to enjoy sandwiches and milkshakes,” Fullen said. “Pharmacy has really changed over the years. We used to type or handwrite our labels,” she said.
“I’ve really enjoyed working at the pharmacy and serving our customers for so many years. I can even remember when I brought my son to work for over a month because I didn’t have a baby sitter. I always said Union Pharmacy helped raise Mike! I am also grateful to everyone at the store for allowing me to come back after my accident. There are so many good memories here,” Fullen said.
Union Pharmacy is a cornerstone of downtown Union that now relies heavily on state-of-the art technology and offers a host of clinical services including immunizations, diabetes education, medication flavoring and compounding. “Please stop by Union Pharmacy to congratulate Nadine as we continue to celebrate her 50 wonderful years with us,” Carson said.