The Ronceverte Woman’s Club (RWC) met for their October meeting in the fellowship hall of the Ronceverte Baptist Church.
As October was Domestic Violence Awareness month, the RWC Public Affairs Committee invited Rachael Austin, community education and communications coordinator for the Family Refuge Center, to be the guest speaker. She informed the club of the direct services the center provides to victims and of ways the public can support this worthy organization. During the business meeting, the club voted to give a donation to the Family Refuge Center.
Each year the club sponsors a camper for the Junior Conservation Camp held in June at Cedar Lakes in Ripley. This year’s recipient of the sponsorship was Autumn Hudson, daughter of DeeJay and Rosaletta Hudson. A seventh grader at Eastern Greenbrier Middle School, Autumn reported that she had learned many things and loved being a camper.
The members were reminded that the November meeting will feature the annual club auction of holiday items and baked goods. Members were encouraged to bring friends. The club meeting and auction will be held at the Ronceverte Baptist Church on Monday, Nov. 24 at 7 p.m. Anyone interested in joining the Ronceverte Woman’s Club should call 304-6474890.