FPC-Alderson held their quarterly Community Relations Board Meeting at the institution’s Training Center on Oct. 9.
Warden Sandra Butler opened the meeting by inviting guests to enjoy lunch. In attendance from the community were: Kathleen DeRouen of the Alderson Hospitality House; Kevin Johnson, Director of the Alderson Manor and Travis Copenhaver, Mayor of Alderson.
In addition, 16 FPC Alderson staff members were in attendance.
Members were informed of the history of FPC Alderson which many found quite interesting:
On June 7, 1924, the Enabling Act, an enactment for the establishment of a Federal Industrial Institution for Women, was passed. The Town of Alderson petitioned for the institution to be located in this area and offered a gift to the government of 202 acres known as the Rose Farm. On Mar. 25, 1925, $909,100 was appropriated for construction to begin. The first construction was awarded December 31, 1925. FPC Alderson was patterned after Bucknell University in PA.
The Federal Industrial Institution for Women opened Apr. 30, 1927. The official dedication was scheduled on Nov. 30, 1928. Alderson later became the Federal Reformatory for Women, and a Federal Correctional Institution. In November, 1988, FCI Alderson was converted to a Federal Prison Camp.
Staff of the Residential Drug Treatment Program presented a program to CRB members and guests:
They provided information regarding drug programs offered at FPC Alderson. Inmates enrolled in the drug program gave testimonies on how drugs have impacted their lives and lessons learned following incarceration and enrollment in the RDAP. In addition, members of the RDAP program performed a skit that depicted the struggle between addiction and sobriety.
Dr. Doug Moore, DAP coordinator, informed the group there were 96 inmates enrolled in two RDAP programs at the institution. 95 percent of inmates who complete the program receive some early release benefit.
Linda Shires, warden’s secretary, informed the group, the annual Community Children’s Party is scheduled for Dec. 3. Shires has been coordinating this event over 20 years.
If community leaders are interested in becoming a member of FPC Alderson’s Community Relations Board, they are encouraged to contact the institution.
The next meeting is scheduled for Jan. 14, 2014.