Though quietly concerned, Greenbrier Valley Airport Manager Stephen Snyder said things are slowly looking up for the airport (GVA).
Via Airlines has successfully maintained flight schedules for the past 60 plus days, with only a couple of weather related cancellations. Passenger numbers are still low, he said. However, the real concern is that Via still has no ticketing and baggage contract in place at the airport. Snyder said he has been in contact with Senator Shelley Moore Capito, Congressman Evan Jenkins and the Department of Transportation, who are all are agreed that GVA is an essential airport for southern West Virginia. Until the ticketing/baggage contract is in place, GVA is not listed as an online site to book flight reservations. Looking ahead, this spells trouble for The Greenbrier’s upcoming golf tournament if reservations for the event cannot be made through the local airport. The Greenbrier has grave concerns, Snyder said.
In another airport issue, Snyder said GVA received a release of all architectural plans from Tail Winds, who suddenly changed their plans to replace Dutch Haus as the airport’s on site restaurant in December 2016. As a result, Greenbrier Valley Airport Authority will finance the installation of a family-friendly restaurant, said Snyder at the airport authority board meeting on Tuesday, May 16.