First Saturday daily Mass and devotions will be observed in the Catholic Church of Mary Immaculate beginning Saturday, May 4 and continuing through the first Saturday in October. A covered dish luncheon follows each of the seven monthly observances.
Completed in 1902, the Church building is the third Catholic church built to serve the Irish and German Catholic farmers in northern Greenbrier County. This is the third church building built by the Catholic community with the previous two destroyed by accidental fires.
The Church was officially “closed” in 1963 but has been maintained by neighbors and friends of the Church and with assistance from the Greenbrier Valley Council 8689 Knights of Columbus since then. The Knights began to organize a yearly Mass in the Church once a year in 1985 and since it became a seven-times a year, the Knights help with the covered dish dinner each month.
The devotions will begin at 10:30 a.m. with the daily Mass at 11 a.m. and the covered dish luncheon following on the grounds.
The Church can be reached from I-64 Lewisburg exit turning north on US 219 to the community of Frankford, then turning west on the Williamsburg Road and following it approximately five miles to Catholic Church Road, turning onto Catholic Church Rd., passing the Church Cemetery and the Church will be on the right.
For further information, contact the office of the Catholic Churches of the Greenbrier Valley 304-536-1813 or the GV Knights of Columbus 304-645-1373, if no answer, please leave a message.
The Church of Mary Immaculate is currently a mission of St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church of Ronceverte. It has never been an independent church but for a time it was a mission of the former Immaculate Conception Church of Lewisburg and Sacred Heart Church of Rainelle.
The public is invited to the special services and covered dish luncheons.