THE STAR, Matthew 2:2 “We saw the star rising and have come to worship Him” was the theme of the Annual Adult Family Care Christmas Party held at First Baptist in Fairlea on Dec. 6.
Hosted by the Good News, Maranatha, and Friendship Classes, the adult clients and caregivers from WVDHHR enjoyed a lovely celebration of the birth of our Savior.
Guests received a warm welcome from Senior Pastor Dr. Dallas Smith, who honored Jack and Virginia Smith for serving faithfully at First Baptist in many capacities, not least of which has been working selflessly organizing this special event.
Following, Roger Cyphers blessed the meal. Everyone enjoyed a delicious turkey dinner with all of the trimmings prepared and served by Edie Sauls and the class members.
Entertainment was presented by Lucy Ramey, who played the guitar and sang favorite Christmas songs. A Christmas devotion was presented by Dr. Smith on the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of Jesus! Group singing was led by Brentz Thompson and accompanied by Betty Smith on the piano. As the honored guests sang “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”, surprise guests, Mr. and Mrs. Claus (Bob and Lorrie Hammond) appeared with gifts for all clients and caregivers.
At the conclusion of the program, Pastor Smith made closing remarks, and Jack Smith offered a prayer.
A very heartfelt thanks to the cafeteria staff at Greenbrier Medical Center for preparing and donating the turkey, Tri-County Produce, and Greenbrier Medical Arts Pharmacy. Also, a huge thanks to photographer, Michael Keegan.