Our city is developing a new comprehensive plan that will be a road map for the future and we want your ideas! Help us envision ways to improve Ronceverte so that you and your children can experience the best that the city has to offer. The plan will provide long-range guidance on a variety of issues – including housing, transportation, parks and public space, neighborhoods, downtown, heritage and more.
Here’s how you can tell us your dreams for Ronceverte:
Visit www.cityofronceverte.com for updates, surveys, news and more
- Friend us on Facebook at Ronceverte WV
- Attend a Community Open House on Jan. 27, from 6-8 p.m. at the Main Street Ronceverte Volunteer Center (near the Ronceverte Post Office – look for signs)
- Pick up a survey at City Hall (available Dec. 10)
- Attend a Focus Group
Check for dates and times in your local paper.
Help us Envision the Future.
Envision your dreams brought to life.
Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions and drop the completed survey at City Hall, the Ronceverte Library or at Rudy’s Restaurant NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, JAN. 24. All responses are confidential.
1. In order to keep or make Ronceverte a great place to live, tell us which of the following are the most important. Please rank each item from 1-10 with “1” being the most important and “10” being the least important.
____ Quality and affordability of housing
____ Condition of roads and sidewalks
____ Quality of water and sewer systems
____ Quality of fire and ambulance service
____ Quality of recreational facilities and youth programs
____ Access to wireless/broadband service
____ Preservation of historic buildings and structures
____ Growth of existing and new businesses
____ Attracting tourists
____ Appearance or physical attractiveness of community
____ Other: (please specify)___________________________________
2. Please indicate what types of land use you want more or less of (Check MORE or LESS for each item).
More Less
Green Space/Parks
Residential Development
Commercial Development
Other: (please indicate)
3. What do you like most about living in the City of Ronceverte?
4. What do you see as the greatest problem for Ronceverte, now or in the future?
5. What type of development would you like to INCLUDE or AVOID in Ronceverte’s future? Please select a response for each item.
Include Avoid
Senior Housing
Single Family Homes
Small Downtown Shops
Fast Food
Chain Stores
Light Industrial
Farmers Market
Heavy Manufacturing
6. What type of recreational and cultural facilities do you think are NEEDED or NOT NEEDED in Ronceverte? Even if these things exist, please answer NEEDED if you think there should be more or improvements to them. Please mark NOT NEEDED if they already exist and do not need improvement or expansion.
Needed Not Needed
Hiking and Biking Trails
Ball Fields
Indoor Recreation Center
Improvements to Greenbrier River Access
Theater / Performance Space
Local History Museum
Nothing Needed
Other: (please specify)
7. Are you a full time resident of Ronceverte? ___Yes ___No
8. How long have you lived here? ___1-5 years ___6-10 years ___over 10 years
9. I am: __Employed; __Unemployed; __ Retired; __ Student