The 2018-19 school year was a year for celebration for the EGMS Band Program.
For the first time in 26 years, EGMS marching band students wore elegant, new uniforms, the purchase of which was made possible through community support and fundraising efforts of the band boosters.
Throughout the year, the band program continued to celebrate as they marched proudly in numerous parades, exhibited 18 talented young musicians at the annual Honor Band performance, and scored a Superior Rating at the WVSSAC Band Ratings Festival for the 14th consecutive year.
As the school year closes out, EGMS would also like to recognize our talented 8th grade trumpet player, Lawson Hamilton, for being selected as a soloist for WV Department of Education’s Arts Alive showcase, as well as, the EGMS Band Director, Brian Carr, for being selected as the EGMS Teacher of the Year and the Greenbrier County Schools Secondary Teacher of the Year.